Monday, April 11, 2011

Simple Cupcake Decorations

For some people fondant and icing designs just aren't their thing - I'm that person! So, when it comes to cupcakes you have to make the things you can do work for you. Here are two simple solutions I've used recently.

The Sucker Stick Method
Shopping list: Adhesive felt, sucker sticks and thin colorful ribbon.

To make: Cut felt into any shape you would like. Make sure you have two matching pieces for each stick -one for the front and one for the back. Attach the stick to one of your cut-outs then place the other cut-out directly on top. Tie bows with thin ribbon and hot glue them to each side. You could use paper, bling, stickers or anything else to make a design that fits your party.

Super Simple Fondant Shapes
Shopping list: Cookie cutter, fondant rolling pin, "rolled" fondant, and icing sheets.
I found my icing sheets online at Treasured Birthday.

To make: You should make these 3-5 days in advance so they can set. Follow directions on fondant box to knead and roll. Roll fondant to 1/4 an inch think and the exact width and length of your icing sheet. Once rolled wet the fondant with a damp cloth and adhere the icing sheet. Make sure the icing sheet is secure. Use a cookie cutter to make any shape you would like.

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